World cap for sulfur content for Fuel

On 1 January 2020, the global sulphur limit on marine fuels will be reduced from 3.50% to 0.50% m/m(mass by mass) sulphur.

  • The IMO has decided that the global fuel sulphur limit of 0.50% will enter into force in 2020.
  • This requirement is in addition to the 0.10% sulphur limit in the North American, US Caribbean, North Sea and Baltic Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs). 
  • Vessels that have exhaust gas cleaning systems installed will be allowed to continue using high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO).

Are there any exemption

  • If the ship cannot obtain compliant fuel oil.
  • They can complete a fuel oil non-availability report(FONAR). 
  • This can be taken into account by port state control but this is not an exemption

Is a (FONAR) a waiver -Short answer-​No. 

long answer

The 2019 Guidelines on consistent implementation of 0.50% sulphur limit under MARPOL Annex VI adopted by resolution MEPC.320(74) here clearly states (in APPENDIX 1):

3.1 A fuel oil non-availability report is not an exemption. According to regulation 18.2 of MARPOL Annex VI, it is the responsibility of the Party of the destination port, through its competent authority, to scrutinize the information provided and take action, as appropriate."

3.2 In the case of insufficiently supported and/or repeated claims of non-availability, the Party may require additional documentation and substantiation of fuel oil non-availability claims. The ship/operator may also be subject to more extensive inspections or examinations while in port."

3.3 Ships/operators are expected to take into account logistical conditions and/or terminal/port policies when planning bunkering, including but not limited to having to change berth or anchor within a port or terminal in order to obtain compliant fuel."

3.4 Ships/operators are expected to prepare as far as reasonably practicable to be able to operate on compliant fuel oils. This could include but is not limited to, fuel oils with different viscosity and different sulphur content not exceeding regulatory requirements (requiring different lube oils) as well as requiring heating and/or other treatment on board."

What is the "carriage ban" 

  • Carriage of Fuel Oil for use onboard ships will be prohibited from 1st march 2020 if sulfur content exceeds 0.50%, unless the ship has approved scrubber system,
