Understanding VUCA and survival insights

"Hey it's crazy out there" is a norm after all the shit world has been through. By all means, the chaotic 'new normal' in business and life is very real and on top of that explosion of rapid change, trends, disruption of industry are happening every day.

VUCA is a term coined by strategist in the US army after the cold war and they came up with an acronym VUCA to describe a world where you are no longer up against a known 'big' enemy but might be attacked from various bad guys that can organize themself very quickly and effectively before you had the chance to organize a response.
  • V-volatile   (Rate of change)
  • U-uncertain  (unclear about the present)
  • C-Complex   ( multiple key decisions to factors)
  • A-Ambiguity (lack of clarity)
Stable environment "NON VULCA WORLD"
  • Simple high school way of thinking where there is a casual one-way effect from A to B.This is a type of textbook problem with typically one correct answer.
  • Sounds simple and attractive but it assumes all other factors to be equal

In a VUCA WORLD-Real world
  • there are not unintended just side effect like A causing B, but also causes D
  • But also have a lot of Unexpected factors  that are both known and unknown
Basically not just designing a fishing boat to survive a bad storm but also shark attack, pirate attack, competitive markets,future-proofing, and so on.


First of all understanding  VUCA as a concept is vital and knowing there are no 'one fits all' solution.
  • It can be applied on a personal level such just career development, improvement  job hunting, etc
  • Also on an organization, leadership and management level
Insights to survive in a VUCA world
  1. Stop saying it isn't gonna get weirder than this.
  2. It's very hard to predict future events and everyone with an opinion will become a so-called expert.
  3. With the amount of fake news be careful from whom you get your advice and info from
  4. Scammer and false prophet will try to take advantage of the situation-Stay away from them
  5. Build resilience and capacity to recover quickly
  6. Have spare resources ready 
  7. Have an adaptable and a can-do mindset to face the uncertain
  8. Get your backup ready if you have to.
  9. An effective timely response is the key
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week
-General George S. Patton

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