Great quotes to help you get by

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 Seafaring is much of a mind game and positive affirmation proved to be invaluable many times. Here I have compiled a few bitesize quotes that are inspiring and easy to remember which would help you going when going gets tough.

  • Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.-Jean-Paul. 

  • The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimists expect it to change, the realist adjusts the sails-William Arthur ward.

  • The man who experienced shipwreck will shudder at the calmest seas -Ovid.

  • There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today. And something wrong with our system-David Beatty after three of his ships exploded in the battle of Jutland.

  • The sea finds out everything you did wrong-Francis stokes.

  • Loose lips sink ships-American poster for WW2.

  • Beware of expenses a small leak can also sink a large ship-Benjamin Franklin.

  • The secret of getting ahead is getting starting-Mark Twain.

  • No job is finished until the paperwork is done.

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