If we use methane (CH4) as an example, the LEL (lower explosive level) of methane is generally considered to be 5% by volume (5% By Vol). That means the mixture is too lean to burn if there is less than 5% methane present. But at 5%, we can burn or explode if there is an ignition source.

So we call 5% by vol methane the same as 100% LEL.
"5% methane is 100% of the explosive concentration."
  • 100% LEL = 5% methane = 50,000 ppm methane
  • 10% LEL = 0.5% methane = 5000 ppm methane
  • 1% LEL = 0.05% methane = 500 ppm methane

Thumb rule for dummies

  • Multiply the LEL percentage number by 10,000 to get PPM.
  • To convert from PPM to an LEL percentage, divide the PPM by 10,000.

1 comment:

  1. Easy Conversions:
    PPM => LEL: (PPM / 500)
    PPM => GAS: (PPM / 10,000)
    LEL => PPM: (LEL * 500)
    LEL => GAS: (LEL / 20)
    GAS => PPM: (GAS * 10,000)
    GAS => LEL: (GAS / 20)
