Hyper-mist fire fighting system on ships

Machinary space of 500m3 volume and above should have additional fixed fire fighting system like hyper mist system especially on UMS class vessel

Effects of hyper mist

High-pressure water is injected through a special nozzle which beak it into fine water droplets around 50-200 micron depending on the design.
Effects of these micro-droplets are

  • Remove the latent heat hence giving a good cooling effect
  • Replaces the surrounding air around the fire with droplets that is converted to steam hence effectively replacing the oxygen
  • The floating smoke particle gets absorbed and settled by the fine mist

Normally fitted above

  • main enine
  • auxially engine
  • boiler
  • purifier
  • incinerator area

Operating procedure

  • Normally the system is kept in auto mode activation is by the local sensor, a minimum of two different sensors need to get activated to start the system in auto.
  • Manual start from the control panel and localized start points when needed

Stop procedure

After confirmation of the extinguishing of fire manual stop button in the control panel and local activation points, some system does not have auto-stop


  • High/low freshwater tank alarm
  • Electrically operated non return valves
  • Power suply from both MSB and ESB
  • Drain and test valve on the system lines
  • Manual stop button on the control pannel and localized start points
  • It requires a flame and smoke detector to go off to activate the system automatically