Memory effect on battery

What is memory effect
This effect exists in NiCad batteries and lesser extend in NiMH batteries and also known as "lazy battery effect"

It means if a battery repeatedly charged after it has been partially discharged the battery forgets that it has the capacity to discharge all the way, resulting in loss of capacity beyond 25% discharge point

In simpler terms, if u regularly fully charge the battery and then only use 50 %of its capacity before the next recharge eventually be battery will forget about the next 50%

How to avoid
Is to fully charge and then fully discharge the battery at least once a month

How to fix the problem
  • Discharge the battery to 1volt per cell and then fully recharge the battery
  • Repeat several times until capacity improves or regain original capacity
Do modern batteries have memory effect
Modern lithium batteries work differently do not have memory effect

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