How to calculate fuel oil consumption

Basic Fundamentals
  • Fuel is always measured in tonnes because mass  is constant(weight does not change with temperature)
  • Whereas  volume changes with temperature(volume of bunker increase with temperature (and vice-versa)
  • Fuel consumption is calculated over a specific period of time, generally over a 24 hour period
Basic Formula for Mass=Volume*Density
units are mass tonnes,
volume is m3,
density is tonne/m3

Step1-Volume- Reading of common fuel flow meter counters should be taken at a specific interval of time say 24hour.

Formula for volume=(Present counter- Previous counter)*0.001 

where Flowmeter counter measures the flow in lit/h
The correctional factor is used to convert litre/hr to m3/hr                                                                      1litre/hr=0.001 cubic metre/hr

Step 2-Density -BDN provides density  at 15deg cel
(Which poses a problem as fuel is flowing at a temperature higher than 15deg
Therefore, we need to consider temperature corrected density at tonne/m3)

Temperature corrected factor=Density at 15deg* { 1-{(T-15)*0.00065}}
where T is the temperature of the oil
Density@15 is tonne/m3
0.00065 is the Correction factor
Finally, Step 3
Fuel consumption =Volume*Temperature corrected factor(TCF)
Where volume is in m3
TCF is in tonne/m3
Fuel consumption is measured tonnes specified over a period of time generally 24hrs

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