scavenge space cleaning and inspection

2-stroke main engine
main engine
First of all scavenge space needs to be treated like an enclosed space so it goes without saying all checks, permits need to be done prior entry.So in this article would like to lightly thread upon a few pointers.

Checks prior to the job

1) It is very important to discuss the job in the management meeting among top four. Good understanding between the department head helps solve half the hassle.Weather, duration of the job, navigational hazard, etc or any other limitation should be discussed and made clear to all party

2) Proper toolbox meeting needs to be held and everyone needs to be briefed on the job, safety, and responsibility.

3) Make sure the engine is sufficiently cool before opening up the scavenge doors and under piston dooor.
  •  nuts, bolt, and gasket for the door need to keep safely and accounted for
  • make sure no foreign material get into the space 
4) main engine needs to be properly locked out
  • Contol to main engine is kept to ECR and telegraph placed a stop
  • Auxillary blower need to be in manual
  • Starting air valve to the main engine needs to be shut 
4) Scavenge space need to be properly ventilated
Cleaning material, portable lights, portable firefighting equipment, SCABA for enclosed space rescue need to be kept standby.

5) Prior to entry,scavenge space atmosphere need to be tested and enclosed space permit complied to 
  •  O2 level-20.9%
  • HC level-0% LEL
  • and other toxic gases- 0%

Checks after the job

1) Before closing the scavenge door make sure
  • That there are no personnel left inside the space, all engineers and crew need to be accounted for.
  • Tools, rags etc are left behind , a responsible person needs to inspect the place for the same 
Surprising  there have been accounts of such accidents so be absolutely sure before closing the door 

2) Account for all the nuts and bolts 
3) Use proper gaskets to seal the door and use correct tightening  procedure

Things that may go wrong 

1) Never perform the job when the vessel is experiencing bad weather unpredictable engine movement due to outside force can be fatal
 2) Since scavenge space is an enclosed space there is high risk for trips and accident so a formal risk assessment need to be taken and a proper plan for enclosed space rescue need to be drawn prior job
3) At times due to some navigational hazards, OOW might ask for engine
  • Calm down and call off the job ASAP
  • Make sure all personnel are out of the space and  scavenge space if free of tools and rags
  • Fix back all the doors since time is a factor tightening 4 bolts in the opposite direction per door  is sufficient, the door will hold. 
  • Give control to bridge after confirming all door secured
4) If the door is not tightened properly or using a damaged gasket that will lead to an annoying leak  
5) If a rag is left behind it can chock the scavenge drain that might lead to a scavenge fire