Propeller shaft grounding system

The electrical potential between shaft and hull can also cause a heavy current to flow
 in bearings when the oil film breaks down or is contaminated with seawater. This
current can cause deep pitting of the bearing surface. Excessive wear on the shaft
 bearings can often be traced to this cause.Trouble can be avoided and cathodic
protection extended to the propeller if the shaft is properly earthed with a shaft
 earthing system.

Propeller Shaft Grounding System consists of the following
  • Slip Ring - Elevated silver band reduces dirt for the best possible contact.
  • Brush Holders - Double and single brush holders for grounding and measurement. 
Strong springs for proper brush pressure
  • Silver slip band - Reliable contact. Easy installation
  • Silver brushes - High purity silver brushes for proper shaft grounding
  • Monitoring Meter- Continuously monitoring the shaft potential. (Remote Indicator)


  • Serves for a short circuit between the rotating propeller shaft and the ship's hull
  • Can prevent the micro pitting marks at the propeller, on the sliding surfaces of crankshaft                         journalsand main bearings of the engines to be assumed as spark erosion
  • Ensures an excellent potential decomposition and the contact brushes ensure lubrication                                    and long life
  • A remote indicator system in order to achieve a continuous control the effectiveness of the                    wholesystem
  • A continuous slip ring cleaning device to prevent an increase of the residual potential                                  during operation